path: root/ui.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ui.cpp')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 344 deletions
diff --git a/ui.cpp b/ui.cpp
index 6b282f9..387b5ac 100644
--- a/ui.cpp
+++ b/ui.cpp
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ extern "C" {
#define vertex_buffer_count (2048)
#define ui_padding 5
+#define DEBUG_CLEARS 0
static constexpr int font_w = 960;
static unsigned font_data[] = {
0x00000000, 0x00003000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
@@ -78,58 +80,6 @@ static unsigned font_data[] = {
0x0003c01e, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
-static Texture_Id create_atlas(Device* d) {
- int x, y;
- int w = font_w + 10;
- int size = 10 * w;
- Buffer_Id buf = d->create_buffer(
- "font atlas stage",
- size,
- Buffer_Flags::copy_src |
- Buffer_Flags::cpu_readwrite
- );
- Texture_Id tex;
- uint8_t* pixels = (uint8_t*)d->map_buffer(buf, 0, size);
- for (y = 0; y < 10; y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < font_w; x++) {
- int si = x + y * font_w;
- int di = x + y * w;
- unsigned bits = font_data[si >> 5];
- int bit = bits & 1 << (si & 0x1f);
- pixels[di] = bit? 0xff: 0x00;
- }
- }
- /* for solid colours, one white square at the end */
- for (y = 0; y < 10; y++) {
- for (x = font_w; x < w; x++) {
- pixels[x + y * w] = 0xff;
- }
- }
- d->unmap_buffer(buf);
- tex = d->create_texture(
- "font atlas",
- texture_format_r8i,
- Texture_Flags::sampleable | Texture_Flags::copy_dst,
- w,
- 10,
- 1,
- 1,
- 1,
- buf
- );
- d->destroy_bufferi(buf);
- return tex;
-static Sampler_Id create_clamped_point(Device* dev) {
- Sampler_State s{};
- s.min = Filter_Mode::point;
- s.mag = Filter_Mode::point;
- s.address_u = Address_Mode::clamp;
- s.address_v = Address_Mode::clamp;
- return dev->create_sampler("clamped point", s);
UI::Colour::Colour(unsigned rgb, uint8_t a):
r((rgb >> 16) & 0xff),
g((rgb >> 8) & 0xff),
@@ -157,6 +107,30 @@ void UI::Rect::clip(const Rect& other) {
if (h < 0) h = 0;
+void UI::Rect::clip_src(const Rect& other, Rect& src) {
+ int n;
+ if ((n = other.x - x) > 0) {
+ w -= n;
+ x += n;
+ src.w -= n;
+ src.x += n;
+ }
+ if ((n = other.y - y) > 0) {
+ h -= n;
+ y += n;
+ src.h -= n;
+ src.y += n;
+ }
+ if ((n = x + w - (other.x + other.w)) > 0) {
+ w -= n;
+ src.w -= n;
+ }
+ if ((n = y + h - (other.y + other.h)) > 0) {
+ h -= n;
+ src.h -= n;
+ }
void UI::Rect::shrink(int a) {
x += a;
y += a;
@@ -170,236 +144,248 @@ bool UI::Rect::contains(int px, int py) {
return px >= x && py >= y && px < x + w && py < y + h;
-void UI::Vertex_Buffer::init(Device* dev) {
- buf.init(
- dev,
- "UI mesh",
- vertex_buffer_count * sizeof(Vertex) * 4,
- Buffer_Flags::vertex_buffer
- );
- init_indices(dev);
- usage = 0;
- start = 0;
- next = 0;
-void UI::Vertex_Buffer::init_indices(Device* dev) {
- auto create_ind = [](uint16_t* target){
- int i, i2, e = vertex_buffer_count * 6;
- for (i = 0, i2 = 0; i < e; i += 6, i2 += 4) {
- target[i ] = (uint16_t)(i2 );
- target[i + 1] = (uint16_t)(i2 + 1);
- target[i + 2] = (uint16_t)(i2 + 2);
- target[i + 3] = (uint16_t)(i2 + 1);
- target[i + 4] = (uint16_t)(i2 + 3);
- target[i + 5] = (uint16_t)(i2 + 2);
- }
- };
- int s = vertex_buffer_count * 6 * sizeof(uint16_t);
- Buffer_Id stage = dev->create_buffer(
- "UI mesh indices stage",
- s,
- Buffer_Flags::copy_src |
- Buffer_Flags::cpu_readwrite
- );
- void* mem = dev->map_buffer(stage, 0, s);
- create_ind((uint16_t*)mem);
- indices = dev->create_buffer(
- "UI indices",
- s,
- Buffer_Flags::copy_dst |
- Buffer_Flags::index_buffer
- );
- Context& ctx = dev->acquire();
- ctx.copy(indices, stage);
- dev->submit(ctx);
- dev->unmap_buffer(stage);
- dev->destroy_bufferi(stage);
-void UI::Vertex_Buffer::destroy(UI* ui) {
- Device* dev = ui->device;
- if (next) {
- next->destroy(ui);
- heap_free(ui->heap, next);
- }
- dev->destroy_buffer(indices);
- buf.destroy(dev);
+static inline UI::Colour blend(UI::Colour dst, UI::Colour src) {
+ int ia;
+ ia = 0xff - src.a;
+ dst.r = (uint8_t)(((src.r * src.a) + (dst.r * ia)) >> 8);
+ dst.g = (uint8_t)(((src.g * src.a) + (dst.g * ia)) >> 8);
+ dst.b = (uint8_t)(((src.b * src.a) + (dst.b * ia)) >> 8);
+ dst.a = (uint8_t)(((src.a * src.a) + (dst.a * ia)) >> 8);
+ return dst;
-void UI::Vertex_Buffer::add_quad(
- UI* ui,
+void UI::Renderer::blit_rect(
int x,
int y,
int w,
int h,
- float u0,
- float v0,
- float u1,
- float v1,
Colour col
) {
- Vertex* verts;
- int index = usage * 4;
- int* scissor = ui->pipeline->scissor;
- float r, g, b, a;
- if (usage >= vertex_buffer_count) {
- if (!next) {
- next = (Vertex_Buffer*)heap_alloc(ui->heap, sizeof *next);
- next->init(ui->device);
+ int i, j, ex, ey, s;
+ Rect r = { x, y, w, h };
+ r.clip(clip);
+ Colour* dst = pixels + r.x + r.y * bound.w;
+ ex = r.x + r.w;
+ ey = r.y + r.h;
+ s = bound.w - r.w;
+ for (j = r.y; j < ey; j++) {
+ for (i = r.x; i < ex; i++) {
+ *dst = blend(*dst, col);
+ dst++;
- next->add_quad(ui, x, y, w, h, u0, v0, u1, v1, col);
- return;
+ dst += s;
- if (
- clip.x < scissor[0] ||
- clip.y < scissor[1] ||
- clip.x + clip.w > scissor[0] + scissor[2] ||
- clip.y + clip.h > scissor[1] + scissor[3] ||
- ((
- clip.x != scissor[0] ||
- clip.y != scissor[1] ||
- clip.w != scissor[2] ||
- clip.h != scissor[3]
- ) && (
- x < clip.x ||
- y < clip.y ||
- x + w > clip.x + clip.w ||
- y + h > clip.y + clip.h
- ))
- ) {
- ui->mesh.draw(
- ui,
- ui->device->get_ctx(),
- *ui->pipeline,
- *ui->render_pass
- );
- scissor[0] = clip.x;
- scissor[1] = clip.y;
- scissor[2] = clip.w;
- scissor[3] = clip.h;
- ui->pipeline->hash();
+void UI::Renderer::blit_char(char ch, int x, int y, Colour col) {
+ Rect re, su;
+ int i, j, sx, sy, ex, ey, s;
+ Colour* dst;
+ re.x = x;
+ re.y = y;
+ re.w = 10;
+ re.h = 10;
+ su.x = (ch - ' ') * 10;
+ su.y = 0;
+ su.w = 10;
+ su.h = 10;
+ re.clip_src(clip, su);
+ ex = re.x + re.w;
+ ey = re.y + re.h;
+ dst = pixels + re.x + re.y * bound.w;
+ s = bound.w - re.w;
+ for (j = re.y, sy = su.y; j < ey; j++, sy++) {
+ for (i = re.x, sx = su.x; i < ex; i++, sx++) {
+ int si = (sx + sy * font_w);
+ int bit = (1 << (si & 0x1f));
+ bit &= font_data[si >> 5];
+ if (bit)
+ *dst = blend(*dst, col);
+ dst++;
+ }
+ dst += s;
- r = col.r_f();
- g = col.g_f();
- b = col.b_f();
- a = col.a_f();
- verts = &((Vertex*)>device))[index];
- verts[0] = Vertex { (float)x, (float)y, u0, v0, r, g, b, a };
- verts[1] = Vertex { (float)x + w, (float)y, u1, v0, r, g, b, a };
- verts[2] = Vertex { (float)x, (float)y + h, u0, v1, r, g, b, a };
- verts[3] = Vertex { (float)x + w, (float)y + h, u1, v1, r, g, b, a };
- buf.unmap(ui->device);
- usage++;
-void UI::Vertex_Buffer::add_rect(
- UI* ui,
+UI::Renderer::Cmd* UI::Renderer::add_cmd(int size) {
+ Cmd* r;
+ size = align_size(size, 8);
+ assert(cmd_buf_ptr + size <= cmd_buf_size);
+ r = (Cmd*)&cmd_buf[cmd_buf_ptr];
+ r->size = size;
+ cmd_buf_ptr += size;
+ return r;
+void UI::Renderer::commit_cmd(Cmd* c) {
+ int x1 = std::min(c->r.x / grid_cell_size[0], grid_size);
+ int y1 = std::min(c->r.y / grid_cell_size[1], grid_size);
+ int x2 = std::min((c->r.x + c->r.w + grid_cell_size[0]) / grid_cell_size[0], grid_size);
+ int y2 = std::min((c->r.y + c->r.h + grid_cell_size[1]) / grid_cell_size[1], grid_size);
+ int s = grid_size - (x2 - x1);
+ uint64_t* h = grid + x1 + y1 * grid_size;
+ int i, j;
+ for (j = y1; j < y2; j++) {
+ for (i = x1; i < x2; i++) {
+ *h = fnv1a64_2(*h, (uint8_t*)c, c->size);
+ h++;
+ }
+ h += s;
+ }
+void UI::Renderer::add_rect(
int x,
int y,
int w,
int h,
Colour col
) {
- constexpr float white_uv_x = (float)font_w / (float)(font_w + 10);
- add_quad(ui, x, y, w, h, white_uv_x, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, col);
+ Cmd* c = add_cmd(sizeof *c);
+ c->type = Cmd::RECT;
+ c->col = col;
+ c->r.x = x;
+ c->r.y = y;
+ c->r.w = w;
+ c->r.h = h;
+ commit_cmd(c);
-void UI::Vertex_Buffer::add_char(
- UI* ui,
+void UI::Renderer::add_text(
int x,
int y,
- char ch,
+ const char* txt,
Colour col
) {
- int off = (ch - ' ') * 10;
- float w = (float)(font_w + 10);
- float u0 = (float)off / w;
- float u1 = u0 + (10.0f / w);
- add_quad(ui, x, y, 10, 10, u0, 0.0f, u1, 1.0f, col);
+ int len = string_len(txt);
+ Cmd* c = add_cmd(sizeof *c + len + 1);
+ c->type = Cmd::TEXT;
+ c->col = col;
+ c->r.x = x;
+ c->r.y = y;
+ c->r.w = 10 * len;
+ c->r.h = 10;
+ string_copy((char*)(c + 1), txt);
+ commit_cmd(c);
+void UI::Renderer::reset(const Rect& cl) {
+ int i, e;
+ uint64_t* dst = grid;
+ clip = cl;
+ e = grid_size * grid_size;
+ for (i = 0; i < e; i++, dst++)
+ *dst = fnv1a64(0, 0);
+ grid_cell_size[0] = cl.w / grid_size;
+ grid_cell_size[1] = cl.h / grid_size;
+ cmd_buf_ptr = 0;
+void UI::Renderer::set_clip(const Rect& r) {
+ Cmd* c = add_cmd(sizeof *c);
+ c->type = Cmd::CLIP;
+ c->col = Colour(0, 0);
+ c->r = r;
+ clip = r;
-void UI::Vertex_Buffer::add_text(
- UI* ui,
- int x,
- int y,
- const char* txt,
- Colour col
-) {
- for (; *txt; txt++, x += 10)
- add_char(ui, x, y, *txt, col);
+void UI::Renderer::clear(const Rect& r) {
+ int x, y;
+ int ex = r.x + r.w;
+ int ey = r.y + r.h;
+ int s = bound.w - r.w;
+ Colour* dst = pixels + r.x + r.y * bound.w;
+ Colour col(rand(), 0x30);
+ Colour col(0x000000, 0x00);
+ for (y = r.y; y < ey; y++) {
+ for (x = r.x; x < ex; x++) {
+ *dst = col;
+ dst++;
+ }
+ dst += s;
+ }
-void UI::Vertex_Buffer::update_buffer(Context& ctx) {
- buf.update(ctx);
+const App* g_app;
+void UI::Renderer::flush(int x, int y) {
+ Cmd* cmd = (Cmd*)cmd_buf;
+ Cmd* last = (Cmd*)(cmd_buf + cmd_buf_ptr);
+ Rect cell = Rect(
+ x * grid_cell_size[0],
+ y * grid_cell_size[1],
+ grid_cell_size[0],
+ grid_cell_size[1]
+ );
+ clip = cell;
+ clear(cell);
+ while (cmd != last) {
+ switch (cmd->type) {
+ case Cmd::RECT: {
+ Rect& r = cmd->r;
+ blit_rect(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, cmd->col);
+ } break;
+ case Cmd::TEXT: {
+ int x = cmd->r.x;
+ char* txt = (char*)(cmd + 1);
+ for (; *txt; txt++, x += 10)
+ blit_char(*txt, x, cmd->r.y, cmd->col);
+ } break;
+ case Cmd::CLIP: {
+ clip = cmd->r;
+ clip.clip(cell);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ cmd = (Cmd*)((uint8_t*)cmd + cmd->size);
+ }
-void UI::Vertex_Buffer::reset(const Rect& c) {
- start = 0;
- usage = 0;
- dirty = true;
- clip = c;
- if (next)
- next->reset(c);
+void UI::Renderer::flush() {
+ uint64_t* next = grid == grid_a? grid_b: grid_a;
+ uint64_t* h = grid;
+ uint64_t* p = next;
+ int i, j;
+ for (j = 0; j < grid_size; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < grid_size; i++) {
+ if (*p != *h) {
+ flush(i, j);
+ }
+ h++;
+ p++;
+ }
+ }
+ grid = next;
-void UI::Vertex_Buffer::set_clip(const Rect& r) {
- clip = r;
- assert(r.x >= 0 && r.y >= 0);
- assert(r.w >= 0 && r.h >= 0);
- if (next)
- next->set_clip(r);
+void UI::Renderer::resize(int w, int h) {
+ heap_free(arena, pixels);
+ pixels = (Colour*)heap_alloc(arena, w * h * sizeof *pixels);
+ assert(pixels != 0);
+ bound = Rect(0, 0, w, h);
-void UI::Vertex_Buffer::draw(
- UI* ui,
- Context& ctx,
- Pipeline& pip,
- Render_Pass& rp
-) {
- if (usage == start) {
- if (next)
- next->draw(ui, ctx, pip, rp);
- return;
- }
- if (dirty) {
- update_buffer(ctx);
- dirty = false;
- }
- Vertex_Buffer_Binding binding[] = {{
- .id = buf.gpuonly,
- .offset = 0,
- .target = ui->shader_info.vert_binding
- }, {}};
- Index_Buffer_Binding indb = {
- .id = indices,
- .offset = 0
- };
- Draw d{};
- d.verts = binding;
- d.inds = indb;
- d.vertex_count = (usage - start) * 6;
- d.instance_count = 1;
- d.first_vertex = start * 6;
- ctx.submit(d, pip, rp);
- if (next)
- next->draw(ui, ctx, pip, rp);
- start = usage;
+void UI::Renderer::init(Heap* heap, int w, int h) {
+ arena = heap;
+ pixels = (Colour*)heap_alloc(heap, w * h * sizeof *pixels);
+ assert(pixels != 0);
+ bound = Rect(0, 0, w, h);
+ grid = grid_a;
UI* UI::create(
- Device* dev,
const App* app,
- Arena* a,
- Shader_Id sh
+ Arena* a
) {
int hs;
- Texture_Id atlas = create_atlas(dev);
UI* u = (UI*)arena_alloc(a, sizeof *u);
Heap* h = (Heap*)arena_alloc(a, sizeof *h);
hs = a->size - a->ptr - allocation_default_alignment - 1;
init_heap(h, arena_alloc(a, hs), hs);
- u->init(dev, app, h, atlas, sh);
+ u->init(app, h);
return u;
@@ -415,44 +401,21 @@ int UI::text_height(const char* t) {
void UI::init(
- Device* dev,
const App* a,
- Heap* h,
- Texture_Id at,
- Shader_Id sh
+ Heap* h
) {
- Shader* sp;
heap = h;
- device = dev;
app = a;
- atlas = at;
- shader = sh;
hot = 0;
hovered = 0;
active = 0;
- mesh.init(device);
- cbuffer.init(
- device,
- "UI CBuffer",
- sizeof(UI_CBuffer),
- Buffer_Flags::constant_buffer
- );
- sp = &dev->get_shader(sh);
- vertex_format = sp->vf;
- shader_info.vert_binding = sp->binding_index("verts");
- shader_info.atlas_binding = sp->descriptor_binding("atlas");
- shader_info.config_binding = sp->descriptor_binding("config_buffer");
- sampler = create_clamped_point(device);
+ ren.init(heap, a->w, a->h);
root = create_element<Container>(0);
((Container*)root)->padding = 0;
void UI::destroy() {
- device->destroy_texture(atlas);
- device->destroy_sampler(sampler);
- mesh.destroy(this);
- cbuffer.destroy(device);
void UI::layout(int w, int h) {
@@ -516,93 +479,60 @@ void UI::update(Arena* s) {
layout(area.w, area.h);
-void UI::render(Arena* s, Texture_Id target) {
- Context& ctx = device->get_ctx();
- Texture& t = device->get_texture(target);
- UI_CBuffer* config = (UI_CBuffer*);
- config->projection = m4f::orth(
- 0.0f, (float)t.w,
- 0.0f, (float)t.h,
- -1.0f,
- 1.0f
- );
- cbuffer.unmap(device);
- cbuffer.update(ctx);
- Pipeline_Builder pb(s, device);
- pb.begin_rp();
- pb.rp_target(device->get_backbuffer(), Clear_Mode::restore);
- render_pass = &pb.build_rp();
- pb.begin();
- pb.shader(shader);
- pb.vertex_format(vertex_format);
- pb.blend(
- Blend_Mode::add,
- Blend_Factor::src_alpha,
- Blend_Factor::inv_src_alpha
- );
- pb.cbuffer(shader_info.config_binding, cbuffer.gpuonly);
- pb.texture(shader_info.atlas_binding, atlas, sampler);
- pipeline = &;
+void UI::render(Arena* s) {
+ if (area.w != ren.bound.w || area.h != ren.bound.h)
+ ren.resize(area.w, area.h);
+ ren.reset(ren.bound);
- mesh.draw(this, ctx, *pipeline, *render_pass);
- mesh.reset(Rect(0, 0, t.w, t.h));
+ g_app = app;
+ ren.flush();
void UI::draw_container(const Rect& bound, Colour c) {
/* todo line function lmao */
- mesh.add_rect(
- this,
+ ren.add_rect(
- mesh.add_rect(
- this,
+ ren.add_rect(
- mesh.add_rect(
- this,
+ ren.add_rect(
bound.x + 1,
bound.y + 1,
bound.w - 1,
- mesh.add_rect(
- this,
+ ren.add_rect(
- mesh.add_rect(
- this,
+ ren.add_rect(
bound.x + 1,
bound.y + 1,
bound.h - 1,
- mesh.add_rect(
- this,
+ ren.add_rect(
bound.x + bound.w - 1,
bound.y + 1,
bound.h - 2,
- mesh.add_rect(
- this,
+ ren.add_rect(
bound.x + 1,
bound.y + bound.h - 1,
bound.w - 1,
@@ -612,56 +542,49 @@ void UI::draw_container(const Rect& bound, Colour c) {
void UI::draw_containeri(const Rect& bound, Colour c) {
- mesh.add_rect(
- this,
+ ren.add_rect(
- mesh.add_rect(
- this,
+ ren.add_rect(
- mesh.add_rect(
- this,
+ ren.add_rect(
bound.x + 1,
bound.y + bound.h - 2,
bound.w - 2,
- mesh.add_rect(
- this,
+ ren.add_rect(
- mesh.add_rect(
- this,
+ ren.add_rect(
bound.x + bound.w - 2,
bound.y + 1,
bound.h - 2,
- mesh.add_rect(
- this,
+ ren.add_rect(
bound.x + bound.w - 1,
bound.y + 1,
bound.h - 2,
- mesh.add_rect(
- this,
+ ren.add_rect(
bound.x + 1,
bound.y + bound.h - 1,
bound.w - 1,
@@ -728,12 +651,12 @@ void UI::Element::on_update() {
void UI::Element::render() {
Element* child;
- Rect old_clip = ui->mesh.clip;
+ Rect old_clip = ui->ren.clip;
for (child = children; child; child = child->next) {
- ui->mesh.clip = old_clip;
+ ui->ren.set_clip(old_clip);
void UI::Element::on_message(const Message& msg) {
@@ -838,7 +761,7 @@ UI::Rect UI::Container::layout(const Rect& avail) {
void UI::Container::on_render() {
- ui->mesh.set_clip(clip);
+ ui->ren.set_clip(clip);
UI::Table::Table(UI* ui, Element* parent, const int* rs):
@@ -921,7 +844,7 @@ UI::Rect UI::Toolbar::layout(const Rect& avail) {
void UI::Toolbar::on_render() {
- ui->mesh.set_clip(clip);
+ ui->ren.set_clip(clip);
@@ -958,9 +881,8 @@ void UI::Button::on_render() {
ui->draw_containeri(bound, 0xffffff);
} else
ui->draw_container(bound, 0xffffff);
- ui->mesh.set_clip(clip);
- ui->mesh.add_text(
- ui,
+ ui->ren.set_clip(clip);
+ ui->ren.add_text(
bound.x + ui_padding + toff[0],
bound.y + ui_padding + toff[1],
@@ -1014,8 +936,7 @@ void UI::Input::on_render() {
if ((n = c.x - (clip.x + clip.w)) > 0)
tx -= n;
c.x = tx + w;
- ui->mesh.add_rect(
- ui,
+ ui->ren.add_rect(
@@ -1024,9 +945,8 @@ void UI::Input::on_render() {
if (buf) {
- ui->mesh.set_clip(clip);
- ui->mesh.add_text(
- ui,
+ ui->ren.set_clip(clip);
+ ui->ren.add_text(
bound.y + ui_padding,
@@ -1155,16 +1075,14 @@ void UI::Slider::on_render() {
hc = 0x4f4f4f;
Rect sr = track_rect();
Rect ha = handle_rect();
- ui->mesh.add_rect(
- ui,
+ ui->ren.add_rect(
- ui->mesh.add_rect(
- ui,
+ ui->ren.add_rect(
@@ -1271,9 +1189,8 @@ UI::Rect UI::Label::layout(const Rect& avail) {
void UI::Label::on_render() {
- ui->mesh.set_clip(clip);
- ui->mesh.add_text(
- ui,
+ ui->ren.set_clip(clip);
+ ui->ren.add_text(
bound.x + ui_padding,
bound.y + ui_padding,
@@ -1363,7 +1280,7 @@ UI::Rect UI::Modal::layout(const Rect& avail) {
void UI::Modal::on_render() {
- ui->mesh.set_clip(clip);
+ ui->ren.set_clip(clip);
Colour(0xffffff, 0x80)