#include #include #include #include "memory.h" #include "plat.h" #include "sc/sh_enums.h" #include "sc/sh_helpers.h" #include "str.h" #define CGLTF_IMPLEMENTATION #include "cgltf.h" typedef struct { const char* shader; const char* depth_shader; const char* material; } Node_Config; typedef struct Shader_Attrib { cgltf_attribute_type target; SVariable_Type type; int offset; int size; struct Shader_Attrib* next; } Shader_Attrib; Arena arena; const char* shader_dir; const char* shader_dir_sep; char* vertex_buffer; int vertex_buffer_size; uint16_t* index_buffer; int index_buffer_size; int vertex_count, index_count; int vertex_size; int full_vert_size = 0; int full_ind_size = 0; float* current_vertex; const cgltf_accessor* accessors[cgltf_attribute_type_max_enum]; Shader_Attrib* target_attribs[cgltf_attribute_type_max_enum]; float min_bound[3], max_bound[3]; int tcmp(const char* src, const char* s, const jsmntok_t* t) { int l = t->end - t->start; if (t->type != JSMN_STRING) return 0; return !strncmp(src + t->start, s, l); } const char* read_str(const char* src, const jsmntok_t* t) { int l = t->end - t->start, i; char* buf = arena_alloc(&arena, l + 1); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) buf[i] = src[i + t->start]; buf[i] = 0; return buf; } void parse_node_cfg(const cgltf_node* n, Node_Config* cfg) { int i, c; const char* json = n->extras.data; jsmn_parser p; jsmntok_t toks[32]; jsmn_init(&p); c = jsmn_parse( &p, json, strlen(json), toks, sizeof toks / sizeof *toks ); if (c == 0) return; if (c < 0) { print_err("Invalid extras json (or too big).\n"); pbreak(100); } for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { const jsmntok_t* t = &toks[i]; if (tcmp(json, "shader", t)) { cfg->shader = read_str(json, &t[1]); if (string_len(cfg->shader) > 27) { print_err( "Shader name %s too long (max 27 chars).\n", cfg->shader ); pbreak(3478); } i++; } if (tcmp(json, "depth_shader", t)) { cfg->depth_shader = read_str(json, &t[1]); if (string_len(cfg->depth_shader) > 27) { print_err( "depth_shader name %s too long (max 27 chars).\n", cfg->depth_shader ); pbreak(3478); } i++; } if (tcmp(json, "material", t)) { cfg->material = read_str(json, &t[1]); if (string_len(cfg->material) > 27) { print_err( "Material name %s too long (max 27 chars).\n", cfg->material ); pbreak(3479); } i++; } } } void build_attrib_accessors( const cgltf_primitive* p, Shader_Attrib* desired ) { int i, c = cgltf_attribute_type_max_enum; Shader_Attrib* attrib = desired; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { target_attribs[i] = 0; accessors[i] = 0; } c = p->attributes_count; for (; attrib; attrib = attrib->next) { for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { const cgltf_attribute* a = &p->attributes[i]; if (attrib->target == a->type) { accessors[attrib->target] = a->data; break; } } target_attribs[attrib->target] = attrib; } } void read_vertex( float* dst, uint16_t idx ) { int i, c = cgltf_attribute_type_max_enum; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { const cgltf_accessor* a = accessors[i]; Shader_Attrib* t = target_attribs[i]; if (!t) continue; int ec = t->size / 4; if (a) { if (a->component_type != cgltf_component_type_r_32f) { print_err("Only float attributes are supported.\n"); pbreak(33); } const cgltf_buffer_view* v = a->buffer_view; int j, off = t->offset / 4; int sec = (a->stride / 4); if (ec >= sec) { for (j = 0; j < sec; j++) dst[j + off] = ((float*)&((char*)v->buffer->data)[v->offset]) [idx * sec + j]; for (; j < ec; j++) dst[j + off] = 0.0f; } else { for (j = 0; j < ec; j++) dst[j + off] = ((float*)&((char*)v->buffer->data)[v->offset]) [idx * sec + j]; } } else memset(&dst[t->offset / 4], 0, t->size); } } void add_index(uint16_t i) { int s = sizeof i; if (index_count * s >= index_buffer_size) { index_buffer_size *= 2; index_buffer = realloc(index_buffer, index_buffer_size); } index_buffer[index_count++] = i; full_ind_size += sizeof *index_buffer; } int about_eq(float* a, float* b) { int i, ec = vertex_size / 4; for (i = 0; i < ec; i++) { float v = a[i] - b[i]; if (v > 0.0001f || v < -0.0001f) return 0; } return 1; } void add_vertex(float* vertex) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < vertex_count; i++) { float* check = (float*)&vertex_buffer[vertex_size * i]; if (about_eq(vertex, check)) { add_index((uint16_t)i); return; } } if ( vertex_count * vertex_size + vertex_size >= vertex_buffer_size ) { vertex_buffer_size *= 2; vertex_buffer = realloc(vertex_buffer, vertex_buffer_size); } memcpy( &vertex_buffer[vertex_size * vertex_count], vertex, vertex_size ); add_index(vertex_count++); full_vert_size += vertex_size; } void parse_prim( const cgltf_primitive* p, Shader_Attrib* desired ) { int i, c; const cgltf_accessor* a, * pa; const cgltf_buffer_view* v; uint16_t* indices; if (p->type != cgltf_primitive_type_triangles) { print_err("Only triangle meshes are supported.\n"); pbreak(30); } a = p->indices; if (!a) { print_err("Meshes must be indexed.\n"); pbreak(31); } if (a->stride != sizeof *index_buffer) { print_err( "Only %d byte indices are supported.\n", sizeof *index_buffer ); pbreak(32); } v = a->buffer_view; c = a->count; indices = (uint16_t*)&((char*)v->buffer->data)[v->offset]; build_attrib_accessors(p, desired); pa = accessors[cgltf_attribute_type_position]; if ( pa && pa->type == cgltf_type_vec3 && pa->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_32f ) { char* data = pa->buffer_view->buffer->data; int s = pa->stride; data += pa->buffer_view->offset; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { float* pos = (float*)&data[indices[i] * s]; if (pos[0] < min_bound[0]) min_bound[0] = pos[0]; if (pos[1] < min_bound[1]) min_bound[1] = pos[1]; if (pos[2] < min_bound[2]) min_bound[2] = pos[2]; if (pos[0] > max_bound[0]) max_bound[0] = pos[0]; if (pos[1] > max_bound[1]) max_bound[1] = pos[1]; if (pos[2] > max_bound[2]) max_bound[2] = pos[2]; } } for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { read_vertex(current_vertex, indices[i]); add_vertex(current_vertex); } } void parse_node_mesh( int parent_index, const cgltf_node* n, const Node_Config* cfg, Shader_Attrib* desired, FILE* outfile ) { const cgltf_mesh* m = n->mesh; int i, c = m->primitives_count; char buf[28]; float matrix[16]; vertex_count = 0; index_count = 0; min_bound[0] = INFINITY; min_bound[1] = INFINITY; min_bound[2] = INFINITY; max_bound[0] = -INFINITY; max_bound[1] = -INFINITY; max_bound[2] = -INFINITY; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) parse_prim(&m->primitives[i], desired); cgltf_node_transform_local(n, matrix); fwrite("MESH", 4, 1, outfile); zero(buf, sizeof buf); string_copy(buf, cfg->shader); fwrite(buf, 1, sizeof buf, outfile); zero(buf, sizeof buf); string_copy(buf, cfg->depth_shader); fwrite(buf, 1, sizeof buf, outfile); zero(buf, sizeof buf); string_copy(buf, cfg->material); fwrite(buf, 1, sizeof buf, outfile); fwrite(&vertex_size, 4, 1, outfile); fwrite(&index_count, 4, 1, outfile); fwrite(&vertex_count, 4, 1, outfile); fwrite(&parent_index, 4, 1, outfile); fwrite(matrix, sizeof matrix, 1, outfile); fwrite(min_bound, sizeof min_bound, 1, outfile); fwrite(max_bound, sizeof max_bound, 1, outfile); fwrite(vertex_buffer, 1, vertex_count * vertex_size, outfile); fwrite(index_buffer, 1, index_count * sizeof *index_buffer, outfile); } cgltf_attribute_type get_attribute_type(const char* name) { if (string_equal(name, "position")) return cgltf_attribute_type_position; if (string_equal(name, "normal")) return cgltf_attribute_type_normal; if (string_equal(name, "tangent")) return cgltf_attribute_type_tangent; if (string_equal(name, "uv")) return cgltf_attribute_type_texcoord; if (string_equal(name, "colour")) return cgltf_attribute_type_color; if (string_equal(name, "joints")) return cgltf_attribute_type_joints; if (string_equal(name, "weights")) return cgltf_attribute_type_weights; return cgltf_attribute_type_invalid; } Shader_Attrib* parse_shader_attribs(const char* fname) { FILE* f; char magic[4]; int type, i; int binding_count, target_count, desc_count; char* fpath = arena_alloc( &arena, string_len(fname) + string_len(shader_dir) + string_len(shader_dir_sep) + 1 ); strcpy(fpath, shader_dir); strcat(fpath, shader_dir_sep); strcat(fpath, fname); f = fopen(fpath, "rb"); if (!f) { print_err("Failed to open shader %s.\n", fpath); pbreak(303); } fread(magic, 4, 1, f); if ( magic[0] != 'C' || magic[1] != 'S' || magic[2] != 'H' || magic[3] != '2' ) { print_err("%s - invalid shader.\n", fname); pbreak(304); } fread(&type, 4, 1, f); assert(type == sprogram_type_graphics); fread(&binding_count, 4, 1, f); fread(&target_count, 4, 1, f); fread(&desc_count, 4, 1, f); assert(binding_count); for (i = 0; i < binding_count; i++) { char name[24]; int rate, count; fread(name, 1, sizeof name, f); fread(&rate, 4, 1, f); fread(&count, 4, 1, f); if (string_equal(name, "mesh")) { int j, coff = 0; Shader_Attrib* r = 0; for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { char aname[28]; SVariable_Type type; cgltf_attribute_type target; Shader_Attrib* attrib; fread(aname, 1, sizeof aname, f); fread(&type, 4, 1, f); target = get_attribute_type(aname); if (target == cgltf_attribute_type_invalid) { print_err("%s is not a valid mesh attribute.\n", aname); pbreak(305); } attrib = arena_alloc(&arena, sizeof *attrib); attrib->target = target; attrib->type = type; attrib->offset = coff; attrib->size = svariable_type_size(type); attrib->next = r; r = attrib; coff += attrib->size; } fclose(f); return r; } else { fseek(f, 32 * count, SEEK_CUR); } } print_err("Shader %s has no mesh vertex binding.\n", fname); pbreak(306); fclose(f); return 0; } int calc_vertex_size(Shader_Attrib* attribs) { int s = 0; for (; attribs; attribs = attribs->next) s += attribs->size; return s; } void parse_node( int parent_index, const cgltf_node* n, FILE* outfile ) { Node_Config cfg = { 0 }; if (n->extras.data) parse_node_cfg(n, &cfg); if (n->mesh) { Shader_Attrib* desired; if (!cfg.shader) cfg.shader = "surface.csh"; if (!cfg.depth_shader) cfg.depth_shader = "surface_depthonly.csh"; if (!cfg.material) { print_err( "Node %s has a mesh, but doesn't specify a material.\n", n->name ); pbreak(49); } desired = parse_shader_attribs(cfg.shader); vertex_size = calc_vertex_size(desired); current_vertex = arena_alloc(&arena, vertex_size); assert(desired != 0); parse_node_mesh(parent_index, n, &cfg, desired, outfile); } } void write_header(FILE* outfile) { int z = 0; fwrite("MODL", 4, 1, outfile); fwrite(&z, 4, 1, outfile); fwrite(&z, 4, 1, outfile); } int parse(const char* fname, FILE* outfile) { int i, c; cgltf_options opt = { 0 }; cgltf_data* d; cgltf_result r; r = cgltf_parse_file(&opt, fname, &d); if (r) return r; r = cgltf_load_buffers(&opt, d, fname); if (r) return r; c = (int)d->nodes_count; fwrite(&c, 4, 1, outfile); for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { const cgltf_node* n = &d->nodes[i]; int parent_index = 0; if (n->parent) parent_index = n->parent - d->nodes; clear_arena(&arena); parse_node(parent_index, &d->nodes[i], outfile); } cgltf_free(d); return 0; } int main(int argc, const char** argv) { int r; int mem_size = 1024 * 1024; void* mem; FILE* outfile; if (argc < 4) { print_err("Usage: %s shader_dir infile outfile\n", argv[0]); return 0; } vertex_buffer_size = 1024; index_buffer_size = 1024; vertex_buffer = malloc(vertex_buffer_size); index_buffer = malloc(index_buffer_size); outfile = fopen(argv[3], "wb"); shader_dir = argv[1]; shader_dir_sep = ""; if (shader_dir[string_len(shader_dir) - 1] != '/') shader_dir_sep = "/"; mem = malloc(mem_size); init_arena(&arena, mem, mem_size); write_header(outfile); r = parse(argv[2], outfile); if (r) { print_err("Parse or file error.\n"); fclose(outfile); return r; } fseek(outfile, 4, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&full_vert_size, 4, 1, outfile); fwrite(&full_ind_size, 4, 1, outfile); fclose(outfile); return 0; }