#include #include #include #include "plat.h" #include "str.h" #include "vid_enums.h" typedef struct { float r, g, b; } vec3; typedef struct { unsigned char r, g, b, a; } Colour; typedef struct { Colour* pixels; int w, h; } Image; typedef struct { vec3 start, end; unsigned char indices[4 * 4]; } Block; typedef struct { float start, end; unsigned char indices[4 * 4]; } Block_BC4; const char* format_names[] = { #define x(n) #n, texture_format_xmacro() #undef x }; void gen_mip(Image* src, Image* dst, int w, int h) { const float weight = 1.0f / 4.0f; int i, x, y, sw = src->w; dst->pixels = malloc(w * h * sizeof *dst->pixels); dst->w = w; dst->h = h; assert(w == src->w / 2); assert(h == src->h / 2); for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { int sx = x << 1; int sy = y << 1; int ind[] = { sx + (sy) * sw, sx + 1 + (sy) * sw, sx + (sy + 1) * sw, sx + 1 + (sy + 1) * sw }; float avg[4] = { 0 }; Colour* d = &dst->pixels[x + y * w]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int j; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) avg[j] += (float)((uint8_t*)&src->pixels[ind[i]])[j] * weight; } d->r = (uint8_t)avg[0]; d->g = (uint8_t)avg[1]; d->b = (uint8_t)avg[2]; d->a = (uint8_t)avg[3]; } } } int auto_count(int w, int h) { int i; for (i = 0; w > 1 || h > 1; i++, w >>= 1, h >>= 1); return i; } int po2(int x) { return x && (!(x & (x - 1))); } Image* gen_mips(Image* src, int count, int* gen_count) { int i, w, h; Image* imgs; if (!count) count = auto_count(src->w, src->h); imgs = malloc(count * sizeof *imgs); imgs[0] = *src; w = src->w >> 1; h = src->h >> 1; if (count && (!po2(src->w) || !po2(src->h))) { print_war("Image size not a power of 2 (no mips for you >:(\n"); count = 1; } for (i = 1; i < count; i++) { gen_mip(&imgs[i - 1], &imgs[i], w, h); w >>= 1; h >>= 1; } *gen_count = i; return imgs; } unsigned encode_endpoint(const vec3* v) { return ((unsigned)(v->r * 31.9999f) << 11) | ((unsigned)(v->g * 63.9999f) << 5) | ((unsigned)(v->b * 31.9999f)); } unsigned encode_endpoint_bc4(float v) { return (unsigned)(v * 255.0f); } void get_block(Block* block, Colour* pixels, int stride) { int x, y, i; vec3 cols[4 * 4]; vec3 palette[4]; vec3 s, e; unsigned es, ee; float cd; for (y = 0; y < 4; y++) { for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) { Colour pixel = pixels[x + y * stride]; vec3 vec; vec.r = (float)pixel.r / 255.0f; vec.g = (float)pixel.g / 255.0f; vec.b = (float)pixel.b / 255.0f; cols[x + y * 4] = vec; } } cd = -1.0f; for (i = 0; i < 4 * 4; i++) { int j; vec3* a = &cols[i]; for (j = i + 1; j < 4 * 4; j++) { vec3* b = &cols[j]; float d = (b->r - a->r) * (b->r - a->r) + (b->g - a->g) * (b->g - a->g) + (b->b - a->b) * (b->b - a->b); if (d > cd) { cd = d; s = *a; e = *b; } } } es = encode_endpoint(&s); ee = encode_endpoint(&e); if (es == ee) { block->start = s; block->end.r = 0.0f; block->end.g = 0.0f; block->end.b = 0.0f; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { block->indices[i] = 0; } return; } if (es < ee) { /* todo alpha */ vec3 t = s; s = e; e = t; } palette[0] = s; palette[1] = e; palette[2].r = 0.666666f*palette[0].r + 0.333333f*palette[1].r; palette[2].g = 0.666666f*palette[0].g + 0.333333f*palette[1].g; palette[2].b = 0.666666f*palette[0].b + 0.333333f*palette[1].b; palette[3].r = 0.333333f*palette[0].r + 0.666666f*palette[1].r; palette[3].g = 0.333333f*palette[0].g + 0.666666f*palette[1].g; palette[3].b = 0.333333f*palette[0].b + 0.666666f*palette[1].b; for (i = 0; i < 4 * 4; i++) { vec3* col = &cols[i]; int closest = 0, j; float cd = 99999.0f; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { vec3* p = &palette[j]; float d = (p->r - col->r) * (p->r - col->r) + (p->g - col->g) * (p->g - col->g) + (p->b - col->b) * (p->b - col->b); if (d < cd) { cd = d; closest = j; } } block->indices[i] = closest; } block->start = s; block->end = e; } void compress_block(const Block* block, FILE* f) { int i; unsigned start = encode_endpoint(&block->start); unsigned end = encode_endpoint(&block->end); unsigned indices = 0; fwrite(&start, 1, 2, f); fwrite(&end, 1, 2, f); for (i = 0; i < 4 * 4; i++) { indices |= block->indices[i] << (i * 2); } fwrite(&indices, 1, 4, f); } void get_block_bc4( Block_BC4* block, Colour* pixels, int stride, int channel ) { int x, y; float palette[8]; palette[0] = 0.08f; palette[1] = 0.92f; float biggest = -1.0f; float smallest = 1.0f; for (y = 0; y < 4; y++) { for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) { uint8_t* pixel = (uint8_t*)&pixels[x + y * stride]; float v = (float)pixel[channel] / 255.0f; if (v > biggest) biggest = v; if (v < smallest) smallest = v; if (v > palette[0]) palette[0] = v; if (v < palette[1]) palette[1] = v; } } if (biggest == smallest) { int i, idx = 1; block->end = biggest; if (palette[0] > 0.9f) { idx = 0; block->start = smallest; block->end = 0.0f; } else block->start = 1.0f; assert(block->start > block->end); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) block->indices[i] = idx; } if (biggest > 0.92f && smallest < 0.08f) { float t = palette[1]; palette[1] = palette[0]; palette[0] = t; palette[2] = (4.0f * palette[0] + 1.0f * palette[1]) / 5.0f; palette[3] = (3.0f * palette[0] + 2.0f * palette[1]) / 5.0f; palette[4] = (2.0f * palette[0] + 3.0f * palette[1]) / 5.0f; palette[5] = (1.0f * palette[0] + 4.0f * palette[1]) / 5.0f; palette[6] = 0.0f; palette[7] = 1.0f; } else { palette[2] = (6.0f * palette[0] + 1.0f * palette[1]) / 7.0f; palette[3] = (5.0f * palette[0] + 2.0f * palette[1]) / 7.0f; palette[4] = (4.0f * palette[0] + 3.0f * palette[1]) / 7.0f; palette[5] = (3.0f * palette[0] + 4.0f * palette[1]) / 7.0f; palette[6] = (2.0f * palette[0] + 5.0f * palette[1]) / 7.0f; palette[7] = (1.0f * palette[0] + 6.0f * palette[1]) / 7.0f; } block->start = palette[0]; block->end = palette[1]; for (y = 0; y < 4; y++) { for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) { uint8_t* pixel = (uint8_t*)&pixels[x + y * stride]; float v = (float)pixel[channel] / 255.0f; float d = 100.0f; int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { float d2 = (v - palette[i]); d2 = d2 < 0.0f? -d2: d2; if (d2 < d) { d = d2; block->indices[x + y * 4] = i; } } } } } void compress_block_bc4(const Block_BC4* block, FILE* f) { int i; unsigned start = encode_endpoint_bc4(block->start); unsigned end = encode_endpoint_bc4(block->end); uint64_t indices = 0; fwrite(&start, 1, 1, f); fwrite(&end, 1, 1, f); for (i = 0; i < 4 * 4; i++) { indices |= ((uint64_t)block->indices[i]) << (i * 3); } /* 48 bits of indices */ fwrite(&indices, 1, 6, f); } void compress_bc1(Colour* pixels, int w, int h, FILE* f) { int x, y, cw, ch; Block block; cw = w / 4; ch = h / 4; for (y = 0; y < ch; y++) { for (x = 0; x < cw; x++) { get_block(&block, &pixels[x * 4 + y * 4 * w], w); compress_block(&block, f); } } } void compress_bc4(Colour* pixels, int w, int h, FILE* f) { int x, y, cw = w / 4, ch = h / 4; Block_BC4 block; for (y = 0; y < ch; y++) { for (x = 0; x < cw; x++) { get_block_bc4(&block, &pixels[x * 4 + y * 4 * w], w, 0); compress_block_bc4(&block, f); } } } void compress_bc5(Colour* pixels, int w, int h, FILE* f) { int x, y, cw = w / 4, ch = h / 4; Block_BC4 a, b; for (y = 0; y < ch; y++) { for (x = 0; x < cw; x++) { Colour* p = &pixels[x * 4 + y * 4 * w]; get_block_bc4(&a, p, w, 0); get_block_bc4(&b, p, w, 1); compress_block_bc4(&a, f); compress_block_bc4(&b, f); } } } void write_header(FILE* f, int w, int h, int mips, Texture_Format fmt) { fwrite("TXTR", 1, 4, f); fwrite(&w, 1, 4, f); fwrite(&h, 1, 4, f); fwrite(&fmt, 1, 2, f); fwrite(&mips, 1, 2, f); } void convert(Image* images, int count, Texture_Format target, FILE* f) { int i; write_header(f, images->w, images->h, count, target); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { Image* image = &images[i]; switch (target) { case texture_format_bc1: compress_bc1(image->pixels, image->w, image->h, f); break; case texture_format_bc4: compress_bc4(image->pixels, image->w, image->h, f); break; case texture_format_bc5: compress_bc5(image->pixels, image->w, image->h, f); break; default: print_err("Unsupported target format.\n"); pbreak(40); } } } Texture_Format texture_format_from_string(const char* s) { int i, e = sizeof format_names / sizeof *format_names; for (i = 0; i < e; i++) if (string_equal(s, format_names[i])) return (Texture_Format)i; print_err("Invalid texture format %s\n", s); pbreak(10); return (Texture_Format)0; } int proc_bitmap( FILE* infile, FILE* outfile, Texture_Format target, int mc ) { unsigned bmp_offset; int bmp_w, bmp_h, s, x, y; unsigned short bmp_bits; Colour* buffer; Image img, * imgs; Colour pixel; fseek(infile, 10, SEEK_SET); fread(&bmp_offset, 4, 1, infile); fseek(infile, 18, SEEK_SET); fread(&bmp_w, 4, 1, infile); fread(&bmp_h, 4, 1, infile); fseek(infile, 28, SEEK_SET); fread(&bmp_bits, 2, 1, infile); if (bmp_bits != 32) { print_err("Bitmap must have 32 bit pixels. Instead has %d bit pixels.\n", bmp_bits); return 4; } if (bmp_w % 4 != 0 || bmp_h % 4 != 0) { print_err("Bitmap must have a size divisible by four.\n"); return 5; } fseek(infile, bmp_offset, SEEK_SET); s = bmp_w * bmp_h; buffer = malloc(s * 4); /* Flip & read. */ for (y = 0; y < bmp_h; y++) { for (x = 0; x < bmp_w; x++) { unsigned char t; fread(&pixel, 1, 4, infile); t = pixel.r; pixel.r = pixel.b; pixel.b = t; if (pixel.a == 0) { pixel.r = 0; pixel.g = 0; pixel.b = 0; } buffer[x + (bmp_h - y - 1) * bmp_w] = pixel; } } img.pixels = buffer; img.w = bmp_w; img.h = bmp_h; imgs = gen_mips(&img, mc, &mc); convert(imgs, mc, target, outfile); fclose(outfile); return 0; } typedef struct { float r, g, b, a; } Hdr_Pixel; Hdr_Pixel hdr_pixel(uint8_t* bytes) { Hdr_Pixel p; float f = ldexp(1.0f, (int)bytes[3] - (128 + 8)); p.r = ((float)bytes[0] + 0.5f) * f; p.g = ((float)bytes[1] + 0.5f) * f; p.b = ((float)bytes[2] + 0.5f) * f; p.a = 1.0f; /* nvidia gpus dont support 3 component sfloat so we can't have nice things :( */ return p; } /* from open xr */ uint16_t f2h(uint32_t i) { int s = (i >> 16) & 0x00008000; int e = ((i >> 23) & 0x000000ff) - (127 - 15); int m = i & 0x007fffff; if (e <= 0) { if (e < -10) return s; m = m | 0x00800000; int t = 14 - e; int a = (1 << (t - 1)) - 1; int b = (m >> t) & 1; m = (m + a + b) >> t; return s | m; } else if (e == 0xff - (127 - 15)) { if (m == 0) return s | 0x7c00; else { m >>= 13; return s | 0x7c00 | m | (m == 0); } } else { m = m + 0x00000fff + ((m >> 13) & 1); if (m & 0x00800000) { m = 0; e += 1; } if (e > 30) return s | 0x7c00; return s | (e << 10) | (m >> 13); } } void write_halves(FILE* f, int c, float* pixels) { int i; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { uint16_t h = f2h(*(uint32_t*)&pixels[i]); fwrite(&h, 2, 1, f); } } int proc_hdr(FILE* infile, FILE* outfile, int half) { char buf[256]; char* tok; int w, h, i; Hdr_Pixel* pixels; uint8_t* row; int valid = 0; fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_SET); while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, infile)) { if (string_equal(buf, "FORMAT=32-bit_rle_rgbe\n")) valid = 1; if (buf[0] == '\n') break; } if (!valid) { print_err("Format unsupported.\n"); return 10; } tok = fgets(buf, sizeof buf, infile); if (tok[0] != '-' || tok[1] != 'Y') { print_err("Format unsupported.\n"); return 11; } for (tok = tok + 2; *tok == ' '; tok++); h = (int)strtol(tok, &tok, 10); for (; *tok == ' '; tok++); if (tok[0] != '+' || tok[1] != 'X') { print_err("Format unsupported.\n"); return 11; } for (tok = tok + 2; *tok == ' '; tok++); w = (int)strtol(tok, &tok, 10); if (w < 8 || w > 0x7ffff) { /* todo */ print_err("Format unsupported.\n"); return 12; } pixels = malloc(w * h * sizeof *pixels); row = malloc(w * 4); for (i = 0; i < h; i++) { int a, b, c, d, j; a = fgetc(infile); b = fgetc(infile); c = fgetc(infile); d = fgetc(infile); if (d == EOF) { print_err("Unexpected end of image file.\n"); return 13; } if (b != 2 || (c & 0x80)) { int j, shift = 0; row[0] = a; row[1] = b; row[2] = c; row[3] = d; for (j = 1; j < w; j++) { uint8_t* p = &row[j * 4]; p[0] = fgetc(infile); p[1] = fgetc(infile); p[2] = fgetc(infile); p[3] = fgetc(infile); if ( p[0] == 1 && p[1] == 1 && p[2] == 1 ) { int k; for (k = p[3] << shift; k > 0; k--) { p[0] = p[-4]; p[1] = p[-3]; p[2] = p[-2]; p[3] = p[-1]; p += 4; j++; } shift += 8; } else shift = 0; } goto convert; } if (((c << 8) | d) != w) { print("%d, %d\n", i, ((c << 8) | d)); print_err("Corrupt run.\n"); return 14; } for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { int k; for (k = 0; k < w;) { int d1 = fgetc(infile), d2; if (d1 == EOF) { print_err("Unexpected end of image file.\n"); return 14; } if (d1 > 128) { d1 &= 127; d2 = fgetc(infile); for (; d1--; k++) row[k * 4 + j] = (uint8_t)d2; } else for (; d1--; k++) row[k * 4 + j] = (uint8_t)fgetc(infile); } } convert: for (j = 0; j < w; j++) { pixels[j + i * w] = hdr_pixel(&row[j * 4]); } } if (half) { write_header(outfile, w, h, 1, texture_format_rgba16f); write_halves(outfile, w * h * 4, (float*)pixels); } else { write_header(outfile, w, h, 1, texture_format_rgba32f); fwrite(pixels, sizeof *pixels, w * h, outfile); } /* todo mipgen for hdr */ fclose(outfile); return 0; } int main(int argc, const char** argv) { FILE* outfile, * infile; char magic[11]; int mips = 0; Texture_Format target; if (argc < 4) { print_err("Usage: %s infile outfile format.\n", argv[0]); return 1; } infile = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); if (!infile) { print_err("Failed to open %s.\n", argv[1]); return 2; } target = texture_format_from_string(argv[3]); if (argc > 4) mips = (int)strtol(argv[4], 0, 10); outfile = fopen(argv[2], "wb"); if (!outfile) { print_err("Failed to open %s.\n", argv[2]); return 6; } fread(magic, 1, 10, infile); magic[10] = 0; if (magic[0] == 'B' && magic[1] == 'M') { return proc_bitmap(infile, outfile, target, mips); } if (string_equal(magic, "#?RADIANCE")) { int half = target == texture_format_rgba16f; if (!half && target != texture_format_rgba32f) { print_err("Unsupported target format.\n"); return 40; } return proc_hdr(infile, outfile, half); } print_err("Invalid image file.\n"); return 80; }