todo list - [x] shader compiling - [x] windowing + input - [x] vulkan device and swapchain, etc - [x] draw a triangle - [x] texture conversion + compression, etc - [x] texture the triangle - [x] refactor pipelines and vertex formats to be more flexible - [x] simple text rendering - [x] 3D maths library - [x] model conversion - [x] render a model - [ ] depth buffer - [ ] seperate framebuffers renderpasses - [ ] VRAM allocator - [ ] don't re-bind pipelines and descriptors if not necessary - [ ] material system - [ ] render a sky box - [ ] PBR + IBL - [ ] shadows - [ ] MSAA - [ ] GI - [ ] clustering - [ ] bloom - [ ] SSAO - [ ] SSDO - [ ] SSR